Reinforcement Learning 101

Any new subject can be learned in the same way as we learn any new language (Learning new vocabulary → Understanding Language syntax → Conversing with localites)

Objective of reinforcement learning is to implement automation, optimization and discovery with minimal human intervention.

In this blog I will give an introduction to Reinforcement learning vocab
  1. Agent
    1. Single
    2. Multi
      1. Independent Q-learning
      2. CTDE
      3. MADDPG
  2. Environment
    1. Stationary
    2. Non-Stationary
  3. State
  4. Action
  5. Episode, Visit
  6. Reward
    1. Long Term
    2. Short Term
  7. Markov Decision Process
  8. Bellman Equation
  9. Transition Probability
  10. Discounting Factor
  11. Policy
  12. Value Function
    1. State
      1. Monte Carlo Method to learn
    2. Action
  13. Model
    1. Free
      1. Q-Learning
      2. SARSA
      3. DQN
    2. Based
      1. Dyna-Q
      2. Monte Carlo Tree Search
      3. PILCO
    3. Policy Gradient Method
      1. REINFORCE
  14. Iteration
    1. Policy
    2. Value
  15. Evaluation
    1. Policy
  16. Improvement
    1. Policy
  17. Exploration vs Eploitation
    1. Exporation Strategies
  18. Initialization
  19. Termination
  20. Actor Critic Methods

I'll keep updating this blog whenever I have time


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